Filing a compensation claim in New Jersey

Here is the deal in New Jersey. Let’s just say that you are injured, or one of your worker’s is injured, and, as a result, you can not comes to terms over what benefits the injured worker is to receive. This can also involve a disagreement between the employee and the insurance company as well. In these types of cases, the employee (worker) can approach the Division of Workers’ Compensation with an Application for an Informal Hearing or file a formal Claim Petition. In either situation, a case will be assigned to a district office that covers cases in the county where the injured worker resides, or if the workers does not live in that state, then the county where the employer is located prevails.

These types of cases may involve compensation of the claim — i.e whether the injury or illness is considered work-related or not. This will include the extent and type of medical treatment that is required plus the payment of temporary disability benefits. When the cases involves a job related death, then the subject of permanent disability benefits comes into play. Now, workers generally are represented by an attorney here, but they can act on their own behalf (pro se). On the employer side, legal defense is usually provided by the insurance carrier since it is their money that is at stake. Now one important note to remember if your are a self-insured corporation is the you (or your third party administrator) are required to obtain legal representation to defend the case on your behalf.

Workmans Comp Settlements

How To Obtain A Workers Compensation Settlement

In my opinion, our justice system should not be abused by people who are just looking at to make a quick buck. However, there are times when people get injured and really deserve money for their injuries. I know because I was crippled on the job. I would be penniless today if not for my workers compensation settlement.

In my state, the worker’s compensation commission is notoriously pro business. Those who are in charge of the commission avoid giving decent workers compensation settlements whenever they can. I was offered a pittance when a broken machine chopped off my hand. For my troubles, I was only offered $10,000 dollars and an early retirement.

  workers comp settlements

The commission in charge of the settlement workers compensation in my state refused to even acknowledge the fact that my boss was negligent. After all, the factory I worked for did not have the necessary safety equipment. I had no choice but to hire a lawyer. I was a bit hesitant at first because I did not want the trouble of a lawsuit. However, it seemed like the only way that I had a chance of getting justice. Fortunately, it turned out that I was right. I never would have gotten a decent workers compensation settlement if I had not hired a job injury attorney.

It was a good thing that the juries tend to be pro-worker when I was trying to get a workers compensation settlement through the courts. The average members of a jury probably know what it is like to work under a negligent boss because they are usually taken from the working class. This means that they are more receptive to workers compensation settlement claims.

The opposing lawyers will usually try to scare you into settling out of court. They will argue that they are the best lawyers, which they are. Nevertheless, it is still possible to get a good workers compensation settlement through the courts, even if you are against very good lawyers.

You should not give in to whatever the industry bosses might say because you have a right to a workers compensation settlement for your injury. There is a good chance that you will get a settlement that is more generous than anything you would be offered if you have been wronged and you have a decent attorney. You have to make sure that you get a fair settlement if you choose to settle your claim outside of court.

By: Morgan Hamilton

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