The United States, amongst other countries has laws in place to protect employees in case they become ill or suffer work place injury. In a nutshell this program is known as workers compensation insurance.
The specific coverage and the eligibility criteria for workers compensation insurance varies from state to state. For example in some states the coverage is extended to the worker’s family in case the employee sustains a long term injury. In other states the laws could be quite different. This is why it is always advised to check out the details associated with the program according to your state.
The coverage is not the only thing that varies from state to state. Each state also outlines the range of injuries and illnesses that are to be compensated for along with the type of award. Laws framed on the federal level are only applicable to government employees and those individuals involved in interstate commerce.
In general, workers compensation insurance covers work related illnesses and all other kinds of accidents in the work place. Employees harmed while conducting business outside of the work place may also be liable to receive an award under the program. For example if an employee is injured while making a delivery for his company he will be covered by the compensation program.
It is also important to know that the workers compensation insurance is not just limited to medical expenses. Rather it also protects employees from losing all their income in seeking treatment for an illness or injury. Hence when an employee covered by the compensation program is undergoing treatment and unable to attend work he may still be paid up to 2/3 of his salary. In case the employee has been permanently disabled, this amount may be far greater.
Some states also include vocational rehabilitation under their workers compensation insurance programs. This happens when an employee suffers from a disease or injury that makes him unable to perform his previous job. In such cases he will be able to undergo vocational training for a new skill so that he can find a new job. In other cases the company may be forced to create a new opening for the disabled individual.
As beneficial as these programs are employees often have to fight lengthy cases to receive the compensation they are entitled to. This is why it is important to go through the right sources from the start. Otherwise you may end up hiring an attorney to fight your case that you will end up paying as well. It is highly advised to read up on what your rights are under this program according to your state regulations. Most will even offer you free initial consultation. In other cases attorneys don’t charge until the employee receives a settlement.
You can also take assistance form organizations that specialize in providing legal advise to employees and companies on how to find the best workers compensation and general liability insurance solutions.
Author: Daisy Wilson
Find expert guidance for Workers Compensation Insurance at The website provides news and information to companies looking to obtain the program for their business.
Article Source:
States watch Chrysler’s impact on workers’ comp
It purchases workers’ comp insurance in some states while self-insuring in others, according to various state regulator databases. Cox filed a motion in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York, which is handling the Chrysler bankruptcy, last week objecting to some of the language in Chrysler’s bankruptcy filings. He said filings show there is potential for Chrysler and a buyer of its assets to disregard the auto manufacturer’s existing workers’ comp obligations.