Most people do not feel the need to understand workers compensation laws until they have suffered a serious injury at work. These laws can be quite complex and they vary from state to state. It is important for every worker to be aware of what workers compensation entails so they will be prepared in the event of a serious accident.
Worker’s Compensation, also known as ‘Workman’s Compensation" or ‘Worker’s Comp’, is a set of laws designed to protect injured workers. The purpose is to ensure that if a worker is injured at work, they will receive medical care, lost wages associated with the injury, rehabilitation, and retraining so they can return to work once they have recovered. If a worker is killed while at work, their families will usually receive death benefits. This systems permits injured employees to receive benefits without having to prove that the employer was negligent
The following is a key passage in understanding why this area of emplyee benefits is subject to much litigation.
While most injured workers usually qualify for benefits, there are situations where an employee may be denied benefits. This type of situation can become very complicated. Workers who are denied benefits usually consult with an attorney. An attorney who specializes in worker’s comp claims are Worker’s Compensation Attorneys. An attorney can advise a worker on how to protect their benefits and will defend them if they are denied benefits, denied extended or permanent disability, or had their benefits terminated early.
Employers tend to know more about worker’s comp law than the workers. Sometimes an employer may attempt to deny benefits. They may also send an injured employee to a doctor who may not have much experience in the area of the injury, or is working more for the employer than the patient. . An attorney will help protect a worker’s rights if an employer attempts an underhanded method of denying benefits or forces an employee back to work too soon after an accident. An attorney will also help a worker who returns to work for a period of time following an injury and suddenly finds himself laid off and no longer eligible to collect benefits.
Using the services of a worker’s compensation attorney will increases the chances of a worker receiving benefits. An attorney understands all aspects of the worker compensation laws and is familiar with the process, the officers and judges who preside over the process, and how the process works. Worker’s compensation proceedings are much different than other law proceedings. The setting and rules are more relaxed. Most personal injury lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis. This means that the attorney does not receive compensation unless the case is successful. Most states limit the amount an attorney can receive in fees for worker compensation claims so it can be difficult securing a personal injury lawyer. You should try to hire a personal injury lawyer that has experience with worker’s compensation claims
A worker who receives worker’s comp benefits usually cannot file a personal injury claim against an employer. A worker can file lawsuit if an employer intentionally causes an injury. The employer must have committed a precise act that intended to cause injury to the employee. For instance, if an employer pushes an employee down a flight of stairs, you can sue. A worker may also sue if an employer is required to provide compensation coverage and fails to do so.
If you find yourself facing obstacles to securing worker compensation benefits, you should consult with an attorney. The laws can be very complex for someone who does not have a legal background. A personal injury lawyer will have the expertise in handling a worker’s compensation claim.
Author: Amy Nutt
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Article Source:
North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Law
Workers’ compensation laws prevent employees from suing their employer over an injury. But in certain instances, injured workers’ may be able to sue a responsible third party for their injuries. … And that is bad news for injured workers in the state. The ruling clearly favors businesses while leaving workers with few legal protections.
Maryland, in 1902, was the first state to pass a law requiring mining employers to provide workers compensation. While Maryland’s law set things in motion, it wasn’t until 1906 that the Federal Government passed a comparable law for unjured workers.