Disability Compensation Benefits for Injured Workers

Workers’ compensation benefits are paid to a worker who has a job-related injury or illness. These benefits may be paid by federal or state workers’ compensation agencies, employers or by insurance companies on behalf of employers.

Disability payments from private sources, such as private pension or insurance benefits, do not affect one’s social security disability benefits.

But workers’ compensation and other public disability benefits may reduce your social security benefits. Other public disability payments that may affect your Social Security benefit are those paid by a federal, state or local government and are for disabling medical conditions that are not job-related.

Some of these are civil service disability benefits, military disability benefits, state temporary disability benefits and state or local government retirement benefits that are all based on disability.

Some public benefits do not affect or reduce your social security disability benefits.

They are:

Veterans Administration benefits

State and local government benefits, if Social Security taxes were deducted from your earnings

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

On the other hand, injured workers are also entitled to certain benefits under the workers’ compensation law. Here are the types of workers disability compensation:

Temporary Total Disability – This benefit is payable when the injured worker is unable to work during a period when he/she is under active medical care and has not yet reached what is called ‘maximum medical improvement’.

In most states, compensation is paid at two-thirds of the employee’s average weekly wage, not to exceed statutory weekly maximums above which no worker is entitled to compensation. It is common worker’s temporary total disability weekly benefit to be capped by these statutory compensation limits.

Temporary Partial Disability – A worker may be eligible for temporary partial disability compensation when he or she is able to do some work but is still recuperating from the effects of the injury, and is, thus, temporarily limited in the amount or type of work which can be performed compared to the pre-injury work.

Permanent Partial Disability – Compensation is awarded for certain types of permanent conditions which do not cause the worker to be totally unable to work.

Permanent Total Disability – In order to receive this type of compensation, the employee must prove that he is unable to return to work in any capacity, and that this is a permanent problem.

On the other hand, there are rulings in many states to the effect that a worker, who can perform only occasional, sporadic or undependable work, may still be deemed to be permanently totally disabled. Frequently, states’ workers compensation law permits lawyers to offer evidence of a workers age, education, training and experience in seeking to prove that the worker is incapable of substantial gainful employment.

Disfigurement/Mutilation – A states’ workers compensation law may permit the employee to be compensated for disfigurement or scarring, frequently in the absence of any actual impairment, and sometimes in addition to actual impairment.

Disabled workers and employees are entitled to a number of benefits under the law. To know more information about how these benefits may be applicable to you as a disabled employee, you need to consult a disability compensation lawyer who is knowledgeable with these issues.

No Win no Fee Lawyers Sydney – Tips for Selecting One

No Win no Fee Lawyers Sydney – Tips for Selecting One

No win no fee lawyers can get you the settlement you deserve when you have been injured in an accident or someone else’s negligence. This article shows you how to choose the right lawyers for you.

No win no fee lawyers in Sydney are a huge help when you get injured as a result of an accident or someone else’s negligence. These professionals have the experience to make sure that your medical expenses and lost wages are covered by a successful settlement. The term no win no fee means you will not have to pay for anything until after your case is won.

At the end of this article there are contact details for one of the best no win no fee lawyers in Sydney Australia.

Prior to filing your accident compensation claim in Sydney, ask your no win no fee solicitors what they believe would be a fair settlement for your particular case. Inquire too about the length of time your case will take. If you have proper documentation during your first meeting, the workers compensation lawyer will be able to approximate how much the settlement will be and the length of time it would take. His replies will help you decide if he is the right lawyer for your situation.

Ask the compensation lawyers in Sydney how long they have been in the industry. The law firm’s history and experience are important considerations that can help increase your chances of winning your case. Equally important is finding a company that specializes in your type of case. If you are thinking of hiring Sydney workers compensation lawyers, ask how many similar cases the firm has already handled. This ensures that the law firm you hire is the best choice for your case.

Equally important is finding out if the law firm in Sydney you want to hire mainly handles cases for defendants or accident victims. Make certain that the legal firm you hire has sufficient experience in handling personal injury claims. In majority of cases, no win no fee lawyers will focus on ensuring compensation for accident victims. Still, it’s important to ask to avoid any conflict of interest.

Another question you should ask the Sydney car accident lawyer is about his fees. Although the law firm will not bill until after you win the case, the amount will usually be a set percentage of the total settlement. It is recommended that you find out exactly what that percentage is. Remember that the fee is already included in the compensation package you will receive, so you will still have enough for the payment of your medical expenses and lost wages. The fee should not be the only factor to consider when you’re choosing a legal firm though.

If you suffer from an injury caused by an accident, you will want no win no fee lawyers in Sydney to represent you. These skillful professionals will make sure that you receive just settlement for all the troubles and expenses you’ve incurred. By following the steps outlined in this article, you will find the top injury law firm for your specific requirements.

If you have suffered an injury in an accident, no win no fee lawyers in Sydney can help ensure you receive the payment you deserve.

You may have some questions when reading this article. You may also want to talk for free to a friendly, professional lawyer to find out whether you have a case. If so, visit the website of Australia’s top compensation lawyers.

By Angel Allison
Published: 4/24/2009

Workers Compensation Administration Services

Workers Compensation Administration Services

Workers’ compensation administration services offered by PEOs include Workers’ compensation reporting, Workers’ compensation safety plans, and much more.

Workers’ compensation administration services are one of the comprehensive services offered by PEOs or Professional Employer Organizations. Workers’ compensation refers to a type of insurance that involves providing medical care compensation for employees who have been injured while working in an organization.

This is provided in exchange for the employee relinquishing the right to carry out legal action against the organization for negligence. Workers’ compensation sometimes has a flexible administration, as a disability insurance, health insurance or life insurance.

Companies outsourcing their workers’ compensation administration to PEOs can experience multiple benefits. As is the case with all HR responsibilities that are outsourced, PEOs take care of all the processing and paperwork involved, handling insurance audit claims and also maintaining OSHA records and all other necessary records and documents.

PEOs also enable their client companies to choose from multiple coverage options, and this is easy since they have strong associations with multiple insurance providers. Client companies are therefore offered competitive rates that would add to their profitability. The workers’ compensation administration services offered by PEOs generally include:

Workers’ compensation reporting

Workers’ compensation risk reduction services

Workers’ compensation safety plans

Information about regulation

Claims management, which includes, apart from managing and processing claims, investigating fraudulent claims and preparing workers’ compensation hearings

PEOs enter into a co-employment relationship with client companies, taking over the employer responsibilities and managing the risks while the employers control their employees at the workplace.

Along with workers’ compensation administration services, PEOs administer employee benefits, provide payroll services, offer innovative recruitment and selection solutions, ensure regulatory compliance, manage employer liability, and more. A PEO helps employers concentrate on improving their business operations, while it leaves no stone unturned in efficiently carrying out the HR tasks.

Workers Compensation Administration Services
Takes Over Your Burden of Handling Insurance Premium Audit Claims and Keeping OSHA Records

By Chris Walton
Published: 12/8/2008

Workers Compensation Insurance as Employee Benefit

Workers Compensation Insurance as Employee Benefit

Employers have a legal and a moral responsibility to provide their employees safety at their workplaces. But despite the best of safety measures in place, accidents cannot be totally eliminated and they can, at best, be minimized. It is the responsibility of an employer to maintain a safe workplace, have workers compensation insurance covering his employees and protect the workers from financial hardship in the event of a workplace injury. Workers compensation insurance covers workers injured not only while they are on the job, but also if they are involved in road accidents while on business. It also covers work-related illnesses.

Workers compensation insurance protects employers from lawsuits resulting from workplace accidents and to provide medical care and compensation for lost income to employees hurt in workplace accidents. Without bothering who is at fault, Workers compensation insurance provides payments to injured workers. It also provides death benefits to surviving spouses and dependents. Workers’ compensation insurance protects employers and injured workers from financial costs when a worker sustains a work-related injury or health disorder.

If a business employs or engages workers whether on a regular, casual or contract basis, they are deemed to be employees and must be covered by a workers compensation insurance policy. For purposes of Workers compensation insurance, even trainees and apprentices are considered as workers. A worker will also include all persons who receive wages or commission, regardless of the number of hours they work each week, and even if they work away from the employer’s premises.

There are many employees – like workers lent or on hire, outworkers, mine employees, boxers, wrestlers, referees and entertainers, salespersons, canvassers, collectors, voluntary ambulance workers, rural workers etc – who are called deemed workers and these deemed workers are also to be covered by the Workers compensation insurance. Workers’ compensation insurance is compulsory. As an employer, if you are not insured under the worker compensation insurance, you may be liable for fines of up to $5,000 per worker, as well as an amount equal to any avoided premiums retrospectively for five years. The law is tough and if you continue to be uninsured even after the date of your conviction, you will commit a separate and further offence for every week you are uninsured.

All proprietor or partnership companies that employ workers must take workers compensation insurance policy. But only the employees and not the sole trader and partners would be covered by this insurance. Sole traders and partnerships should consider taking out a personal accident and illness policy or an income protection policy, in case they are injured and unable to work. But this is optional and not a mandatory requirement. A private limited company must have a workers compensation insurance policy to cover all its workers. Working directors or directors undertaking employee type of duties are considered workers of the company.

Workers’ compensation insurance covers workers when they are working for any trade or business and/or while acting under their employer’s instructions. The insurance coverage protects the worker and the business from financial loss when a worker sustains injury or health disorder. It provides injured workers with weekly payments to cover loss of earning capacity and payment of reasonable medical and vocational rehabilitation expenses to help them recover and return to gainful employment. In extraordinary circumstances, if a worker is not be able to return to work, he may be entitled to receive specialized retraining an in some cases, workers may be entitled to lump sum settlements. It has to be borne in mind that workers’ compensation insurance does not recognize injuries suffered by a worker during his journey between his residence and place of work or vice versa.

He written many articles in various topics.For more information visit:

outsourcing service

By Peter Sam
Published: 7/24/2008